Tree pollen is the leading cause of allergies in the U.S. Part of the reason? A lack of female trees. For decades, based on a 1949 USDA recommendation, city planners have been planting male trees instead of female trees because they are easier to maintain. Male trees don’t bear fruits that litter the ground. But male trees produce pollen. Whereas female trees don’t. They actually absorb it.
With pollen levels on the rise, Claritin, the leader in allergy relief, decided to take a stand and not just relieve allergies, but help prevent them with the very first tree planting campaign to reduce the number of allergens in the air.
Case Study
To continue the research on this growing pollen problem, we partnered with a pollen expert at Cornell University, Dr. Dan Katz who completed a study to see how our female forests could impact pollen levels for years to come.
Recognized with a Gold, a Silver, and a Bronze Lion at Cannes, Best of Experiential and Immersive, and three pencils at The One show, three pencils at The Art Director’s Club, and four Clios, including two Grand Clios.
✎ Made at EnergyBBDO with Susan Treacy, Abigail Chieppa, Lucy Butka, Ricardo Salgado, Murilo Santos, & Josh Parmentor